Broxbourne school image 39


“In the sixth-form students follow ambitious courses. This enables very high proportions to progress to the destination of their choice.”

“The school goes to great lengths to ensure that sixth-form students can study courses that match their interests”


We are always delighted that the majority of our Year 11 pupils choose to stay on with us into the sixth and also with the many applications we receive from pupils at other schools who we are always happy to welcome into the Broxbourne family.

We believe the key to success in the sixth form is to ensure that students select a package of courses which they enjoy and which allow them to be successful.  Through the analysis of national and school data we have developed our entry criteria to try and ensure that all students embark on courses which enable them to succeed and achieve their aspirations. Our entry criteria are rigorous but fair and we find that students rise to our expectations of them.

We encourage prospective internal and external applicants to consider future career pathways when considering their sixth form choices.  Many students will see higher education as a natural next step; in this instance it might be helpful to browse the UCAS website for information and guidance.

The Sixth Form Information Evening for admissions in 2025 will take place on Wednesday 6th November from 5.30pm - 8pm in school. 

Teachers will be available to provide information and answer questions on all the subjects we offer in the Sixth Form.  Senior members of staff will also be on hand to answer any other queries you might have.

A Sixth Form prospectus will shortly be available on our website.  This gives information about Sixth Form courses, entry requirements and support and guidance through the application process. 

Alongside the subject information, the evening will feature presentations by Mr Clift, Headteacher, Mrs Reynard, Director of Sixth Form and Mr Abbott, Deputy Head.  These will outline information about life in the Sixth Form and Post 16 pathways including traditional A-levels and the T Level in Business and Administration which is proving to be an alternative attractive option for many students.

The first presentation will be at 5.45pm and this will be repeated at 6.45pm.  Please sign up for one of these presentations by clicking on the link below.

Broxbourne School Students – 

External Applicants -

We recommend that you take the time to visit subject specialists in advance of the 6.45pm presentation.

We are delighted with the success our sixth formers achieve. In the last year we received an award for the outstanding progress our students made in the sixth form where we were placed in the top 10% nationally. Come and join us.


Year 13 Destinations 2024

Welcome letter for internal applicants

Welcome letter for external applicants