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Our Curriculum at Key Stage 4

Key Stage 4 – Years 10 and 11 - is a critical time in every pupil’s life. The results they obtain at the end of this period will have a major influence on their future career opportunities.

At the Broxbourne School we are committed to a broad and balanced curriculum. In Year 11 each year a large proportion of pupils are entered for all the components of the Ebacc.

In the most recently published data at the end of Key Stage 4 98% of pupils were in sustained education, employment or an apprenticeship with 27% going on to further education and 65% staying on into the school's Sixth Form."

Clearly, it is essential that we help them to put this time, which amounts to little more than five terms, to the best possible use. The support offered to pupils both by the school and by parents can make an enormous difference, particularly in helping them to cope with the increased workload that Key Stage 4 courses bring.

KS4 Course Information

Key Stage 4 offers pupils great stimulation and interest. They have a greater say in what subjects they study and they are able to study these areas in greater depth and detail.

We believe that by working together as a partnership, the school and parents can ensure that pupils both enjoy their studies in Years 10 and 11 and also achieve their full potential.

This section contains an overview of the Key Stage 4 curriculum for each subject. Essential knowledge has also been highlighted for each subject.  Essential knowledge comprises the knowledge, concepts, ideas, skills, and vocabulary that subject teachers have identified to be the significant basis of what they teach and what students learn. Essential knowledge is the building blocks of a subject and is needed by students in order to demonstrate their increasing mastery of a subject. Essential knowledge will be revisited throughout Key Stage 4.

KS4 Curriculum Subject Overview, including essential knowledge 

A copy of the full KS4 Curriculum Booklet can be found below

KS4 Options Information

Key Stage 4 Information Evening - An overview of the next two years 


Key Stage 4 Information Evening (virtual) Part 2 -  Structure and Timetable - click here



KS4 (Year 10) Information Evening - 20th September 2023

Please click here  to view the presentation slides from the KS4 Information Evening



We want Broxbourne students to be able to identify and respond to a variety of situations and challenges they may find themselves in, both during their time at school, and also as an adult. We want to equip our pupils with the knowledge and understanding they need to flourish as an individual, and as part of society.

This curriculum will be delivered once a week in form time. This curriculum will also be supported through assemblies.


Essential knowledge is the knowledge that we have identified to be the significant basis of our subject. This knowledge will be revisited throughout key stage 3.


Students should be able to identify a range of factors that influence mental well-being. They also should be aware of how to respond to mental health issues, both individually and through seeking support from others.


Students should understand the impact of physical health on their well-being and feel able to control factors that may influence this.


Students should be able to appreciate the characteristics of a variety of positive relationships and how to respond to relationships if they become unhealthy.


Students should be aware of issues they may face as they enter the world after education. They should be aware of their rights, as well as the rights of all groups within society. They will identify important skills for their future as well as develop their financial literacy. 

Year 10


Students will continue to develop their understanding of mental well-being by considering ways of identifying difficulties with mental well-being and how to support both their own and their friends’ responses to these. They will review their understanding of self-esteem and consider how influences on this have changed since key stage three. Students will also review their opinions on body image and whether this has changed as they have got older by considering the impact the media has on this.


Students will consider the nature of commitment in relationships and the different ways in which people can commit to each other in this country. They will develop their understanding of healthy vs unhealthy characteristics of romantic relationships and where to find support if needed. Students will also consider the experiences of LGBTQ teenagers in society and in our school.


Students will revisit their understanding of discrimination and bigotry in society and how they should respond to these issues. They will also consider the role social media plays in distorting situations or issues and how it can create narrow world views.


Year 11


Students revisit their understanding of different mental health issues and also where they could find support should they need it. They also consider their increased responsibility for their physical health and how this has changed since they first thought about this in Year 8. Students will understand how to access health services available to them. They will review their understanding of substance misuse and reflect on the long term impact this could have on both physical and mental health.


Students will consider the influence the media has on their understanding of the nature of relationships and their attitudes towards consent, sexism and feminism. They will be made aware of different approaches to family life, such as adoption and fostering, and why people make these decisions.


Students will reconsider how they shape their online presence and also the personal risks they may be taking online now which can impact their future. They will also develop their understanding of financial risk further and understand the nature of debt and the help people can access to overcome it.

The PSHE curriculum will also be delivered through four drop down days throughout the academic year.

  • Work Shadowing
  • Study skills and revision strategies
  • Post 16 options
  • CV writing
  • The qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • The nature of consent and how this can be impacted by the use of drugs and alcohol
  • The impact of gang culture
  • How to respond to racism
  • The impact of the media on mental health