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Our curriculum at Key Stage 3

In planning our Key Stage 3 curriculum we have made sure there is progression from the primary school curriculum while at the same time ensuring students are prepared for Key Stage 4 and beyond. We teach a broad and balanced curriculum and try to make learning a satisfying and enjoyable experience. We aim to challenge and stretch all students so that they are able to achieve their full potential.


Year 7 Form Tutor/Parents' Evening

Key Stage 3 Curriculum for each subject

This section contains an overview of the Key Stage 3 curriculum for each subject. Essential knowledge has also been highlighted for each subject.  Essential knowledge comprises the knowledge, concepts, ideas, skills, and vocabulary that subject teachers have identified to be the significant basis of what they teach and what students learn. Essential knowledge is the building blocks of a subject and is needed by students in order to demonstrate their increasing mastery of a subject. Essential knowledge will be revisited throughout Key Stage 3.

KS3 Curriculum Subject Overview, including essential knowledge 

Art Computer Science















A copy of the full KS3 Curriculum Booklet can be found below.

KS3 Curriculum Booklet

Key Stage 3 Skills Grid

The following grids show the skills students need to display in order to make progress in each subject. 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9


Key Stage 3 Form Time PSHE Curriculum

We want Broxbourne students to be able to identify and respond to a variety of situations and challenges they may find themselves in, both during their time at school, and also as an adult. We want to equip our pupils with the knowledge and understanding they need to flourish as an individual, and as part of society.

This curriculum will be delivered once a week in form time. Topics will also be covered and revisited throughout Key Stage 3 and 4 through our PSHE drop down days. This curriculum will also be supported through assemblies.

Essential knowledge

Essential knowledge is the knowledge that we have identified to be the significant basis of our subject. This knowledge will be revisited throughout key stage 3.

Mental well-being

Students should be able to identify a range of factors that influence mental well-being. They also should be aware of how to respond to mental health issues, both individually and through seeking support from others.

Physical wellbeing

Students should understand the impact of physical health on their well-being and feel able to control factors that may influence this.


Students should be able to appreciate the characteristics of a variety of positive relationships and how to respond to relationships if they become unhealthy.

Living in the wider world

Students should be aware of issues they may face as they enter the world after education. They should be aware of their rights, as well as the rights of all groups within society. They will identify important skills for their future as well as develop their financial literacy. 

Year 7


Students will be introduced to the main characteristics of mental health, as well as healthy strategies to promote mental well-being. They will also have the opportunity to understand the nature of unhealthy coping strategies. Students will understand the importance of physical well-being and how this supports mental well-being. Finally, they will begin to explore how to balance work, leisure and exercise.


Students will explore the importance of respecting differences as well as the characteristics of a good friend. They will understand what it means to be a bystander and how their behaviour online is held to the same standard as their behaviour offline. Students will also look at the characteristics of a positive romantic relationship, and go on to look at the nature of commitment and the different types of commitment people can make to each other in the UK. Finally students will begin to consider their ideas of good parenting.


Students will consider the importance of respecting difference in our society and the characteristics of a successful community. They will have the opportunity to think about their future aspirations as well as the importance of being able to work with others. Finally, students will begin to understand ideas of budgeting and saving.


Year 8


Students will explore the idea of what constitutes happiness and how best to support friends if they are facing difficulties. They will consider how their lives online might impact their well-being. Finally they will consider elements of their physical well-being including balanced diets, the importance of a good night’s sleep and the principles of basic first aid.


Students will begin by considering the nature and impact of stereotypes and understand the key elements of the Equality Act. They will move on to consider what they view as the key responsibilities of a parent and how these are affected by when an individual choses to have a child. Students will also discuss how best to deal with conflict in friendships. Finally, they will learn about boundaries, consent and privacy in the context of romantic relationships.


Students will have the opportunity to discuss the causes of problems in a community and how best to challenge prejudice and discrimination. They will then consider their future aspirations and what motivates these, as well as what they can implement whilst in school to improve their future prospects. Finally, they will consider what influences their behaviour as a consumer.


Year 9


Students will begin by ensuring they understand what is meant by a healthy lifestyle and how this impacts on dental health. They will then consider how to maintain emotional well-being during puberty. Students will also consider how best to balance their online life with their life offline and how to discern what constitutes reliable information online. Finally, students will learn about the classification of illegal drugs and their associated risks.


Students will have the opportunity to consider how their online data is collected, stored and shared. They will continue to learn about the risks of grooming online and the legal status of sharing images online. They will continue by discussing the impact of peer pressure on their relationships and finally how to determine readiness in their relationships.


Students will begin by considering the positive aspects of British society and then move on to developing an understanding of what constitutes a hate crime. Next, they will begin to think about their prospects after their GCSEs and how best to develop their personal qualities in preparation for this. Finally, students will consider how responsible they are as a consumer and what is meant by ethical consumerism.


The PSHE curriculum will also be delivered through four drop down days throughout the academic year. Topics covered in key stage 3 include:

  • The impact of drugs and alcohol on decision making
  • The varying nature of relationships and their legal status
  • The qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • Strategies to overcome failure
  • Avoiding unhealthy coping strategies
  • Physical and emotional changes during puberty
  • Fire safety and first aid
  • Strategies to improve mental well being
  • The negative impact of smoking, drugs and alcohol
  • Bullying