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Governing Body

Finance and Premises Committee

The Finance and Premises Committee reports to each full governing body meeting and is responsible for all financial matters including the formulation and monitoring of the budget in accordance with the Academies Financial Handbook.  This committee monitors the effectiveness and condition of the school’s facilities and ensure that the school complies with health and safety regulations. 

Personnel and Curriculum Committee

The Personnel and Curriculum Committee reports to each full governing body meeting and is responsible for personnel and curriculum matters including all matters relating to the quality of teaching, the development and application of the curriculum and achievement in the school.

Monitoring Groups

All governors are members of at least one of four Monitoring Groups (MG), established to monitor the work of the school: MG1: Improving the Environment and Health and Safety; MG2: Improving Learning to include safeguarding, curriculum, teaching and learning, care, support and guidance; MG3: Achievement and Specialist School Work to include partnership work within the community, use of ICT to support learning and pupil tracking of specific groups e.g. Gifted and Talented; and MG4: Strategy and Target Setting.   A member of the senior leadership team also attends each of the four monitoring groups.  MG1 report to the Finance & Premises Committee; MG2 and MG3 report to the Personnel and Curriculum Committee.  MG4 reports through the Headteacher’s report to the full governors’ meeting.

Constitution of the Academy Trust and Governing Body 2021-2022

Constitution of The Academy Trust and Governing Body 2022-2023

Constitution of the Academy Trust and Governing Body 2023-2024